Thursday, 14 October 2010

Response to 'The Happening' - Opening Scene

With the school internet now fully up and running, here's some more work...

Response to ‘The Happening’ – Opening Scene

High Park, Manhattan. A normal moning, potrayed with 'nomal day conotations'. We start the scene with some establishing and mid-shots. We see close-ups of men with briefcases, couples walking dogs and people jogging. this, coupled with a relatively placid soundtrack, gives the overall impression that nothing is wrong.

We then cut to two people on a bench. Two women (steriotypical of a thriller as it is usually the woman that 'gets it'). And, as they are both women, the viewer may automatically see them as vulerable. One is reading, the other just sitting. Close-ups on their faces as they exchange in dialogue, talking about the plot of the womans book; a muder/mystery novel. Creepy connatations, or simply a woman reading her book? A sceam, with the audio singled out to make the viewer more aware of it. The music becomes more intense, signifying that something is afoot. We still don't know what it is, and there it is - the key to a good thriller; mystery.
In this part of the scene, certain elements of the audio are enhanced to the viewer, making them more promintent, adding emphasis. An example of this is the sceam eirlier mentioned, or the rustling of the leaves on the trees, suggesting that they have something to do with it. But how could they? After all, they are only trees.

The woman with the book's speach becomes confused and she repeats herself. Some reaction shots are 'thrown in there' to re-enforce her friend's expressions. She is clearly worried. The creepy music continues to rise in intensity, thickening the atmosphere. A close up on a hand, rising slowly, with purpose. This hand grabs a hair pin, and the camera follows it. The fact that the hand moves slowly is useful as it gives the viewer some time (if not enough) to figure out what will happen next. Another reaction shot; horrified. She should be. Excellent effects shows us 'book woman' stab heself in the neck, with no regard for her safety.
And then it gets worse.

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